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Do, there is no try. -Gandalf the Handsome

I have learned a lot of things in my time.


Dont mess with giant-man-ox-lizard-whip monster

So they called this guy Balrog. I'm with my mates when this guy jumps us. Me, being the one always starting fights, I told my hommies to go on. I can take him. After some argueing they went. I couldnt take him. I froze to death. So did he. The guy's made of fire yet lives in a mountain surrounded by snow. I wasn't the only one who didn't think things through.


Yeah........not my greatest moment. The jerk is my former best friend. We were just chilling, talking about how we can defeat evil, when he goes on to say that we can't defeat evil. We should join it. I told him that was a pretty evil statement. He didn't take that to well. I make a great mop if that helps my case.


……..This Guy

So I don't really know who this guy is. We met once and he wanted to kill me and my peeps. So I shut him down. We could've just ran. Its not like he could've caught us. If anything it would be more humiliating......and fun.......and beneficial towards him. Everybody would've won. Homepage Past Residences Pretty Majestic Sources